Why Affordable Housing Matters

Affordable housing is not just about four walls and a roof over one's head; it's a cornerstone of thriving communities and individual well-being. Access to affordable housing plays a pivotal role in shaping the quality of life for individuals and the vitality of neighborhoods.

Impact on Education

Stable housing provides the foundation for academic success. When families have safe and affordable places to call home, it positively influences education in several ways:

  • Affordable housing reduces student mobility, allowing children to attend the same school consistently. This continuity fosters lasting relationships with teachers and peers, enhancing educational outcomes.
  • Shorter commutes and reduced stress mean children have more time for homework, extracurricular activities, and quality family time.
  • Affordable housing in neighborhoods with good schools ensures that children have access to quality education, setting them on a path to success.
2,587 enrolled students experienced homelessness during the 2019-2020 school year in the Richmond region.

Impact on Economic Development

Affordable housing isn’t just a social issue; it’s an economic imperative. It plays a pivotal role in driving economic development and prosperity.

  • Affordable housing helps businesses retain employees who can live near their workplaces, reducing turnover and training costs.
  • Construction of affordable housing generates jobs, stimulates local economies, and attracts further investment in communities.
  • Affordable housing empowers individuals to invest in entrepreneurship and small businesses, fostering economic growth.
Housing generated $2.1 Billion in state & local tax revenue in 2020.

Impact on Regional Competitiveness

Regions that prioritize affordable housing gain a competitive edge in attracting and retaining talent, businesses, and investment. Here’s why:

  • Accessible housing options make regions more attractive to a diverse workforce, essential for innovation and growth.
  • Affordable housing policies can lure businesses seeking a stable and skilled labor force.

Regions with affordable housing strategies are better equipped to manage growth sustainably, reducing inequality and enhancing overall competitiveness.

4 out of the 5 most common job occupations in the region cannot afford median rent.
By advocating for affordable housing, we’re investing in a brighter future for everyone.
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