Long-Dormant Richmond Trust Fund Pays First Dividends in Support of Low-Income Housing

March 11, 2019

In a stone courtyard flanked by well-kept apartment units adjacent to an intersection that was once an open-air drug market, Richmond Councilwoman Ellen F. Robertson beamed.

The complex that hosted a throng of city officials, including Mayor Dwight C. Jones, on Tuesday was restored with the help of $112,000 from Richmond’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund, which had sat dormant since its establishment in 2008.

It is progress, Robertson declared, but not enough.

“The city couldn’t make a better investment,” she said from a microphone set up at the Cary West apartments on South Meadow Street, “but we’re not there yet.”

The observation drew applause from a crowd of nonprofit workers, developers and city employees gathered to celebrate the award of more than $1 million in fund dollars to organizations targeting homelessness and development projects expected to generate affordable housing.